
by LostPieces Team



LostPieces is the easiest way for you to find your lost documents.LostPieces was born in a context where the establishment of official documents such as CNI (National Identity Card), passports, driving licenses, etc. has become very complicated. From this fact, it is very painful to renew them.LostPieces puts people who have found a lost document in contact with those who have lost one.Are you picking up a misplaced document?When you pick up a misplaced document, you open the LostPieces app, add the piece to the app by filling in the piece information and your contact details, and then post it. All this is done in less than two minutes and you do not need to create an account for this. You have just done a noble action 😇.Have you misplaced your document?When you misplace your document, just open the LostPieces app and search for your document with the name on the document. If a person has found it and published it on the platform, then you will have the contact of the person to take possession of your document.If your document is not yet on our platform, do not panic. You dont have to come every hour to do a new search. We give you the possibility to create an alert for your document and our system notifies you by email when your document is published. We also give you the option of configuring notifications by WhatsApp, Telegram or SMS so you dont miss an opportunity to recover your lost document.